Command | Description | Remark (Parameter) |
INF0? | Inquiry about other | No other information is available. |
| information | No parameter is returned. |
CLSS? | Inquiry about the | “1” is returned. |
| class information | |
4DLP is trademarks of Texas Instruments.
4 IBM is a trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
4 Macintosh, Mac OS X, iMac, and PowerBook are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
4 Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, Internet Explorer and PowerPoint are either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
4 HDMI, the HDMI Logo and
4AMX Device Discovery
The pro.jector is monitored and controlled by the control system of AMX.
4Crestron RoomView Connected™
The projector is monitored and controlled by the control system and software of Crestron Electronics, Inc.
4 PJLink™
PJLink trademark is a trademark applied for registration or is already registered in Japan, the United States of America and other countries and areas.
This projector supports standard protocol PJLink™ for projector control and you can control and monitor projector’s operations using the same application among projectors of different models and different manufacturers.
4 Other product and company names mentioned in this user’s manual may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
4About Crestron RoomView Connected™
Electronics, Inc. to facilitate configuration of the control system of
Crestron and its target devices.
For details, see the website of Crestron Electronics, Inc.
URL http://www.crestron.com
URL http://www.crestron.com/getroomview/
English 96