to illuminate the 5 LED, and pressing and releasing the [Right Chevron Button] Three (3) times to illuminate the 9 LED.
3.Press the [up arrow] button on the handheld remote, the up arrow LED will light and the display will indicate CAL.
4.Using the steering wheel at the helm, turn the rudder all the way to starboard.
5.Using the steering wheel at the helm, turn the rudder all the way to port.
6.Press the down arrow on the handheld, the display will no longer indicate CAL.
7.Press and Light the Setup LED and enter code 109.
8.Press the up arrow button, the display will now indicate rudder position.
9.If you want the display to continue to indicate rudder position, you must save the CAL.
To save the CAL and continue with rudder position as the startup default, press and hold the [Select Load] button on the handheld, while holding down [Select Load], press and release the [Deckmount] button. This will save this selection into permanent memory in the autopilot.
To turn off the rudder position on the display; Press, release and light up [Setup] on the handheld remote. Enter code 109 on the handheld remote, press the [Down Arrow] on the handheld remote. If you wish to save this as the startup default, you will need to press and hold the [Select Load] button on the handheld, while holding down select load, press and release
the [Deckmount/On/Off] button. This will now save this selection into permanent memory.
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