Texas Instruments TVP5154EVM manual Command Files, Example Command File

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WinVCC in Depth Files

The command file is a text file that can be generated using any common editor; however, it must be saved as plain text. Command files are especially useful for quickly switching between the various system configurations. These .CMD files are unrelated to the typical Windows .CMD files.

A default command file is provided on the CD. This command file contains many examples of the desired setups. This command file is located at:

c:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\TVP5154EVM\Initialization\

A command file can contain up to 250 datasets. A dataset is a set of register settings to initialize the TVP5154 decoder, 7311 encoder, and/or DM642 for a particular video mode. Each dataset includes a description that is displayed in one row of the dataset descriptions list. The register settings may be located in the command file itself and/or may be stored in separate include file(s) (with an .INC file extension) and be included into the command file using the INCLUDE statement. Command File

An example of one dataset within a command file is shown below.


DATASET_NAME,”TVP5154, Auto–switch, Stable Sync, Fast-lock, 656 Out”

//Initialize video encoder using an include file INCLUDE, EncoderNTSC656_RTC.INC

//Program TVP5154 registers

WR_REG,VID_DEC,1,0x7F,0x00 // Reset 5154 microprocessor

WR_REG,VID_DEC,1,0x03,0x0D // Enable YCbCr outputs and syncs

WR_REG,VID_DEC,1,0x15,0x81 // Enable Stable Sync mode

WR_REG,VID_DEC,1,0x02,0x80 // Enable Fast-lock mode


Each command file may contain individual write-to-register (WR_REG) commands.

The comment indicator is the double-slash //.

The command file is not case sensitive and ignores all white-space characters.

All numbers can be entered as hexadecimal (beginning with 0x) or as decimal.

Every dataset in a command file begins with BEGIN_DATASET and ends with END_DATASET. The maximum number of datasets is 250.

The dataset text description is entered between double quotes using the DATASET_NAME command. The enclosed text can be up to 128 characters in length. This text appears in the System Initialization dialog box when the command file is opened.

The INCLUDE command inserts the contents of an include file (with an .INC file extension) in-line in place of the INCLUDE command. Therefore, the include file must not contain the BEGIN_DATASET, END_DATASET, and DATASET_NAME commands.

Note: All included files must be located in the same directory as the command (CMD) file.

The write-to-register command is written as:

WR_REG, <DeviceFamily>, <Number of data bytes (N)>, <subaddress>, <Data1>,, <DataN>


WR_REG, <Literal slave address>, <Number of data bytes (N)>, <subaddress>, <Data1>,, <DataN>

The valid device family mnemonics are: VID_DEC for the video decoders VID_ENC for the video encoders THS8200 for the THS8200 device

WinVCC translates the device family mnemonic to the slave address that was selected in the WinVCC Configuration dialog box upon program startup. This eliminates having to edit command files if the alternate slave address must be used.

SLEU069A –February 2006 –Revised July 2006

TVP5154EVM User's Guide


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Contents Users Guide Submit Documentation Feedback Contents List of Figures List of Tables Description Overview TVP5154EVM Users GuideTest Points and Jumpers Power-Down-Mode Selection Jumper PDN, JP11Video Input Description Common Board InterfaceVideo Output Description System-Level Description Software Installation WinVCC I2C Configuration Screen Real-Time Polling Dialog WinVCC System Initialization Starting WinVCCI2C System Test WinVCC Configuration Dialog BoxI2C System Failure Real-Time PollingMain Menu Summary Main MenuDecoder I2C Write and Read Enable System Initialization Adding a Custom Dataset Example Command File Command FilesRegister Map Editor Register EditingEncoder Module Register Map Editor TVP5154 Register Map Editor ControlsGeneric I2C Register Editor Memory Map Editor Generic I2C Register Map EditorMemory Map Editor Controls TVP5154 Property SheetsTVP5154 Property Sheets Property Sheet Refresh Auto-Update From DeviceUse of Property Sheet Controls Development and Purpose of DM642 CodeProperty Sheet Button Controls 1 DM642 Control Window Details of the DM642 Code and Control Registers2 DM642 Virtual I2C Register Map DM642 Control Window Controls3 DM642 Virtual I2C Register Details Decoder 1 Register Decoder 2 Register Decoder 4 Register Decoder 3 RegisterDecoder 2 Input Format Register Decoder 1 Input Format RegisterFlash Major Version Register Decoder 3 Input Format RegisterDecoder 4 Input Format Register LED Control RegisterTVP5154EVM Troubleshooting Troubleshooting GuideSymptom Cause I2C System Failure Dialog Box Corrective Action DialogsCorrective Action Required I2C Error General I2C Error ReportSDA SCL /RESET SDA SCL Reset1AIN Reset 1BIN SCL 2AIN SDA 2BIN Reset SCL SDAEnchs SCKS3 Encvs AV3 Encfid Dsptdi Dsptdo Dsptms Dsptclk DSPTRST#SCKS1 AV1 AV2 EncsclkA9 ENCY0 B9 ENCY1 C9 ENCY2 D9 ENCY3 RPACK4-33Dspeclkin EmacenableLendianmode Reset DspclkinTEA20 TED0 TED1 TED2 TED3 TED4 TED5 TED6 TED7TED15 TEA19Hwdthsel DSP Cvdd DspcvddTEA11 TEA12 TEA13 TCE1# TSDCAS# TSDWE# ResetTEA14 CH4OUT3 CH4OUT0CH4OUT1 CH4OUT2D5V SCL SDA Reset CH1PLLVDD CH2PLLVDD CH3PLLVDD CH4PLLVDD Agnd Avdd REFP1 REFM1 INX /OSC Outx PDN Resetb SCL SDACH1AVDD CH2AVDD CH3AVDD CH4AVDD Avddref X1/OSC1AOUT 2AIN SN74AHC05DR U2E DB9TED5 TED13 TED37 TED45 TED47 TED7 TED39TED14 TED46 TED6 TED38DSPEMU2 XDSEMU1 Xdstms Xdstdi Xdstdo Xdstckret XDSEMU0XDSTRST# XDSEMU1 DSPEMU11 DSPEMU10 DSPEMU9 DSPEMU8Power on LED +5V ENCC4 ENCC7ENCC6 ENCC5Important Notice