3 SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
IP Addresses Click this link to display the IP Addresses page.
This page allows you to view or add/delete specific IP address entries for Speed- Touch™'s interfaces:
To add an IP address for one of the SpeedTouch™ interfaces:
1Click New.
2In the Interface field, select the interface to which the IP address applies (use eth0 for assigning to the SpeedTouch™ Ethernet interface).
3In the Address/Mask field, provide IP address and (sub)netmask in IP prefix nota- tion (e.g. or select Obtain an IP address automatically for assigning a dynamic IP address to the interface.
4In the Translation field, select NAPT if you want to enable address translation on this IP address.
5Click Apply
6In the SpeedTouch™ web page, click Save all to save your changes to persistent memory.
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