TANDBERG Video Portal | Data port Command Interface User Guide |
•Address, the IP address of the Video Portal
•SubnetMask, the subnetmask used for the connected network
•Gateway, the gateway to route traffic to an IP number outside the connected network
•DNS Server [1.. 5] Address, the IP numbers of maximum 5 DNS servers
•Domain, the name of the domain the Video Portal is part of.
Example of IP feedback: *s IP:
Address: ""
SubnetMask: ""
Gateway: "" DNS:
Server 1:
Address: "" Server 2:
Address: "" Server 3:
Address: "" Server 4:
Address: "" Server 5:
Address: "" Domain:
Name: "" *s/end
Returns the IP address of the NTP server.
Status format: <Status>
<Last Update> <Last Correction>
•Status, indicates whether the NTP server is active or not.
•Address, the IP address of the NTP server.
•Port, is default 123.
•LastUpdate, indicates the last update date and time.
•Last Correction, the time correction in seconds.
Example of NTP feedback: *s NTP (status=Active):
Address: ""
Port: 123
LastCorrection: 1 *s/end
Display all installed option keys.
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