This register allows the coast signal to be applied follow- ing to the Vsync signal. This is necessary in cases where
The default is 0.
147 Hsync Detect
This bit is used to indicate when activity is detected on the Hsync input pin (Pin 30). If Hsync is held high or low, activity will not be detected.
Table XXVII. Hsync Detection Results
Detect | Function |
0 | No Activity Detected |
1 | Activity Detected |
The sync processing block diagram shows where this function is implemented.
146 AHS – Active Hsync
This bit indicates which Hsync input source is being used by the PLL (Hsync input or
Table XXVIII. Active Hsync Results
Bit 7 | Bit 1 | Bit 4, Reg |
(Hsync | (SOG | 0EH |
Detect) | Detect) | (Override) | AHS |
0 | 0 | 0 | Bit 3 in 0EH |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | Bit 3 in 0EH |
X | X | 1 | Bit 3 in 0EH |
AHS = 0 means use the Hsync pin input for Hsync. AHS = 1 means use the SOG pin input for Hsync.
The override bit is in register 0EH, Bit 4.
145 Detected Hsync Input Polarity Status
This bit reports the status of the Hsync input polarity detection circuit. It can be used to determine the polarity of the Hsync input. The detection circuit’s location is shown in the Sync Processing Block Diagram (Figure 12).
Table XXIX. Detected Hsync Input Polarity Status
Hsync Polarity Status | Result |
0 | Hsync Polarity Is Negative |
1 | Hsync Polarity Is Positive |
144 Vsync Detect
This bit is used to indicate when activity is detected on the Vsync input pin (Pin 31). If Vsync is held high or low, activity will not be detected.
Table XXX. Vsync Detection Results
Detect | Function |
0No Activity Detected
1Activity Detected
The Sync Processing Block Diagram (Figure 12) shows where this function is implemented.
143 AVS – Active Vsync
This bit indicates which Vsync source is being used; the Vsync input or output from the sync separator. Bit 4 in this register determines which is active. If both Vsync and SOG are detected, the user can determine which has priority via Bit 0 in register 0EH. The user can override this function via Bit 1 in register 0EH. If the override bit is set to Logic 1, this bit will be forced to whatever the state of Bit 0 in register 0EH is set.
Table XXXI. Active Vsync Results
Bit 5 |
(Vsync Detect) | Override | AVS |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 1 |
X | 1 | Bit 0 in 0EH |
AVS = 0 means Vsync input.
AVS = 1 means Sync separator.
The override bit is in register 0EH, Bit 1.
142 Detected Vsync Output Polarity Status
This bit reports the status of the Vsync output polarity detection circuit. It can be used to determine the polarity of the Vsync output. The detection circuit’s location is shown in the Sync Processing Block Diagram.
Table XXXII. Detected Vsync Output Polarity Status
Vsync Polarity Status | Result |
0 | Vsync Polarity Is Active Low |
1 | Vsync Polarity Is Active High |
This bit is used to indicate when sync activity is detected on the
Detect | Function |
0 | No Activity Detected |
1 | Activity Detected |
The sync processing block diagram shows where this function is implemented.
140 Detected COAST Polarity Status
This bit reports the status of the coast input polarity detection circuit. It can be used to determine the polarity of the coast input. The detection circuit’s location is shown in the Sync Processing Block Diagram (Figure 12).
REV. 0 |