Appendix D: Factory Defaults
Upon receiving the Caretaker Plus from the factory, or restoring the unit to default parameters (see 'RESTORE TO DEFAULT FUNCTION'),
The factory default settings are: Timeout: 20 seconds
Protocol Serial: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 bits, 1 stop, DTR flow control
Protocol Parallel: Use busy and acknowledge
Form Feed: Off
Initialization String: None
Parallel Enable Logic: Yes
Reverse Channel Data Timeout: No
Flow Timeout on Busy (Ports
Filter Size: O characters
Appendix E: General Specifications
Serial Models
Electrical: RS232
Protocol: Asynchronous; DTR/DSR,
Baud Rate:
Word Length: 5, 6. 7, or 8
Parity: odd, even, mark, space, or none
Stop bits: 1 or 2
Parallel Models
Electrical: TTL levels
protocol Centronics compatible STBIACWBUSY interface Size and Weight
0.5" wide X 3.5" high X 5.0" deep 5 ports: 7 Ibs 9 ports: 8 Ibs Chassis
Steel tan painted enclosure, rear mounted connectors Aluminum black anodized 5.25" X 19" rack mount (optional) Power
110 volt, 10 VA external wall mount adapter (standard)
220 volt, 10 VA external floor mount adapter (optional)
110 volt, 10 VA external floor mount adapter (optional) Display
Port status LEDS:
Unit status LEDs: Power, Mode, Data, Busy, Error Environment
Serial: DB25 female
Parallel: Centronics 36 female or DB25 female Warranty
1 year parts and labor. Extended warranty available