To access the Port Forwarding configuration page, on the Side Navigation bar, click on [NAT] link and then click on the [Port Forwarding] link.
This Port Forwarding function supports 2 types of Services:
•Predefined Service
•Customer Defined Service
Predefined Service
The Predefined Service option has a
To configure Port Forwarding with a Predefined Service rule, follow the steps below:
1.Select the [Service] that you want to have access through the firewall to your LAN from the
2.Enter in the [LAN Server IP] for the LAN PC that is running this service or application
3.You can also configure [Remote IPs] option to allow access to this specific port from the WAN side. This can be configured for 3 different access types:
a.Any IP Address [Any] – choose this option to allow access from any public IP address.
b.Single IP Address [Single Address] – choose this option to only allow access from a single public IP address.
c.IP Address Range [Address Range] – choose the option to only allow a range of public IP addresses.
4.Click the [Apply] button to save your changes and return to the Port Forwarding main screen
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