Regardless of the configuration file selections, NetXClean does not clean up the following directories or any parent to these directories:
•The Windows directory
•Windows System subdirectory
•The current directory the service is installed in
NetXClean will not delete these profiles:
•All Users
•Default User
•The profile of the last user who logged on
Local Drives
Drive Z
Drive Z is onboard volatile memory
Drive C and Flash
Drive C is onboard
If flash memory size is reduced to 2 MB, the terminal’s image will be irreparably damaged and it will be necessary for you to contact an authorized service center to repair the terminal. It is recommended that 3 MB be left unused.
The write filter (if ACTIVE) protects the flash from damage and presents an error message if the cache is overwritten. However, if this occurs you will not be able to flush the write filter cache and any terminal configuration changes still in cache will be lost.
Refer to “NetXClean Utility” for its role in keeping the flash memory clean.
Items that are written to the write filter cache (or directly to the flash if the write filter has been flushed) during normal operations are:
•Created connections
•Delete/edit connections