24 Port Stackable Managed Switch – User Guide | Page | 32 |
Max Bridge Transmit Delay Bound
This control is used in association with QoS Configuration to control the time that packets may be queued in the Switch. If the packet is stored in the Switch for a time exceeding the specified amount, then it is dropped. These settings do not need to be changed except for networks where
Low Queue Delay Bound
If low priority packets are queued in the Switch for longer than the ‘Low Queue Max Delay Time’, then the Switch will forward the packet immediately. Default is Disable.
NOTE: Ensure that ‘Max Bridge Transmit Delay Bound’ is ON before enabling ‘Low Queue Delay Bound’.
Low Queue Max Delay Time
Defines the maximum time a low priority packet will be queued before being sent. The valid range is 1 to 255ms. The default max delay time is 255ms.
Collisions Retry Forever
In the default enable state the Switch will attempt to send a packet forever in the event of collisions. If disabled the Switch will
Hash Algorithm
This controls the method used to maintain the MAC table. Either CRC Hash or Direct Hash. The default is CRC Hash.
IFG Compensation
When enabled
IP Stacking Group ID
Assigns the stacking group ID, which is used to control stack membership. Switches belonging to the same stack must be assigned the same stacking group ID. The valid range is 0 to 65535).
IP Stacking Mode
There are three stacking modes that can be configured on the Switch:
•Disable – The Switch is not participating in a stack and is standalone (default)
•Master – The Switch is the main controller Switch in the stack. There can be only one configured Master in the stack.
•Slave – All other Switches in the stack are configured as Slaves. Web management of these Slave Switches is preformed via the Master Switch.
IP Stacking System Information
This is a meaningful name that can be given to the Switch e.g. Sales Switch – rack 4, that is displayed when using a web browser to manage the Switch.
Please refer to page 42 for further details about Stacking.
Product Number | © Tyco Electronics 2005 | Issue 1 |