Nvidia TNT2 technical specifications 2D Features, Video Support

Page 17


Backend blend


32-bit ARGB rendering with destination alpha


• Point sampled, bilinear, trilinear and 8-tap


Anisotropic filtering


Per pixel perspective correct texture mapping








24-bit or 16-bit hardware Z-buffer (fixed or floating)


8-bit stencil buffer


Full scene anti-aliasing

2D Features

High performance 128-bit 2D/GUI/DirectDraw acceleration


• Accelerated primitives include BLT, indexed DIB color translation, transparent BLT,



stretch BLT, points, lines, polylines, polygons, fills, patterns, arbitrary rectangular



clipping and fast text rendering hardware font cache


• Pipeline optimized for multiple color depths including 32, 24, 16, 15, and 8 bits per





Fast 32-bit VGA/SVGA support


Multi-buffering (Double, Triple, Quad buffering) for smooth animation and video playback

Video Support

Video acceleration for DirectShow, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and Indeo


X and Y smooth up and down scaling with filtering

Per-pixel color keying

Multiple video windows with hardware color space conversion and filtering (YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0)

Video port supports ITU-CCIR 565

Graphics Blaster RIVA TNT2 Value Installation Guide 17

Image 17 Nvidia TNT2 technical specifications 2D Features, Video Support
Contents Contents Introduction Graphics Blaster Riva TNT2 Value Installation GuideHardware Product Codes Numbers Updating Drivers Preliminary step for Windows 95 usersTo install the graphics card Installing Your Graphics CardSecuring the graphics card to the slot To install in Windows 95 Retail version Installing SoftwareUpdate Device Driver Wizard dialog box To install in Windows OSR version 2.0 and laterTo install in Windows To install in Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack To change the display settings in Windows NT Changing SettingsTo do so in Windows To do so in Windows 95 and Windows NTDisplay Properties dialog box, click the BlasterControl tab About Colorific Running Colorific About Sonnetech Colorific/3DeepAbout 3Deep To run Colorific in Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NTClick Start -Settings -Control Panel To open the Help file for SoftMPEG Getting More InformationFor Creative BlasterControl For Creative SoftMPEG For Colorific and 3Deep 3D Features Technical SpecificationsArchitecture Highlights MB SdramVideo Support 2D FeaturesDrivers SpecificationsUtilities Vesa DDC 2B + DpmsMillion 32-bit Number of Colors 64k 16-bitPRQLWRUGLVSOD\VDEODQNVFUHHQ TroubleshootingWindows 98 Multi-Monitor Display Problems Other Display Problems Cause SolutionWkhvfuhhqrurwkhudeqrupdoehkdylru Graphics Blaster Riva TNT2 Value Installation Guide 2SHQ*/DSSOLFDWLRQVUXQXQFKDUDFWHULVWLFDOO\VORZO\LQLQGRZV Set your AGP Aperture Size MB to 8 MB or more Problem with AGP Aperture SizeLUHFWUDZLUHFWIDLOVWRXVHKDUGZDUHDFFHOHUDWLRQ+$ Termination Safety & Regulatory Information Declaration of Conformity