3-Administering the MaxNAS R8
2. System Management
The System Management Configuration menu contains basic system settings and configuration options. It is strongly suggested that you go through each of these menus at least once to ensure that you are taking advantage of everything the MaxNAS R8 has to offer.
2.1 Time
This settings page is where you would go to set the date and time for your MaxNAS R8. You can also configure the MaxNAS R8 to act as your local NTP server or to connect to one of a list of popular NTP servers.
2.2 Notification
This menu has all of the system controls for error event notification. By Default the system buzzer is the only enabled error indicator, but you can add
Enable or Disable system beeper
Enable or Disable
Enter your network’s SMTP server’s IP address and port (commonly 25)
Set SMTP Authentication type and SMTP account ID and password (if required). login credentials may be required to authenticate the MaxNAS R8 to the SMTP server- Consult your network administrator for more information.
Email Sender address
Recipients’ (up to 4)
2.3 Firmware Upgrade
MicroNet strives to continually improve our products, and from time to time will release firmware updates for the MaxNAS R8. Firmware will either be made available on MicroNet’s website or provided by MicroNet Technical Support. To update the firmware, click the browse icon to the right of the ‘firmware’ dialog and navigate to the firmware file that you have downloaded. To initiate the firmware update process click ‘Apply’. After the firmware update has completed the web interface will prompt you
to restart the MaxNAS R8. Do NOT under any circumstances restart or power off the MaxNAS R8 until you are prompted to do so.
2.4 Scheduled Power On/Off
This page allows you to schedule operating hours for the NAS. To set a weekly schedule for the MaxNAS R8, first enable this feature. Choose a day and select the action (power on or off) and the time you’d like the NAS to turn off or on. Click Apply to confirm your settings changes.
MaxNAS Owner’s Manual | 21 |