3-Administering the MaxNAS R8
4.4.6 Access Control
ACLs, or Access Control Lists are how you manage SMB/CIFS and FTP rights to your shared folders and
click on a shared private folder (a folder that is not set to public) and then click the ACL button.
To add or remove permissions for your chosen share simply click on the User or Group name on the left and click the plus or minus sign for the permission level you wish to assign.
Deny | Denies all access to the share for that user or group |
Read Only | Allows a user or group access, but not modify files on this share. |
Writable | Allows a user or group full access for both read and write to the share in question |
You may also set all user and group rights to be recursive, and the permissions will apply to all
4.5 iSCSI Stacking Configuration
The MaxNAS R8 can aggregate up to five external iSCSI targets and offer all networking services to those targets, regardless of where the storage is physically located. The “Stackable” menu is where the Stack Host Target list can be found.
Other functions of this menu include removing, formatting, reconnecting and permissions management (ACL) of the attached iSCSI volumes.
4.5.1 Adding an iSCSI Stack Target.
To create a new iSCSI Stack Target, click on this page. In the “Add iSCSI Target” menu that pops up, add the Target IP and click Discovery .The MaxNAS R8 will automatically populate the IQN
MaxNAS Owner’s Manual | 36 |