WDS Peers: WDS Stations and/or WDS Access Points connected to the
Enter the MAC address of the paired WDS device in the WDS Peer entry field. One MAC address should be specified for
Note: Access Point operating in WDS mode and all WDS Peers must operate on the same frequency channel and use the same channel spectrum width. Only WEP encryption is supported between WDS Peers.
SSID: Service Set Identifier used to identify your 802.11 wireless LAN should be specified while operating in Access Point mode. All client devices within range will receive broadcast messages from the access point advertising this SSID. ESSID: specify the ESSID of the Access Point which the
The list of available Access Points can be retrieved using the Select button, which activates the Site Survey tool with the AP selection functionality. Site Survey will search for the available wireless networks in range on all supported channels and will allow you to select one for association. In case the selected network uses encryption, you’ll need to set security parameters in the wireless security section. Select the Access Point from the list and click the Select button for association.
Click Scan button to refresh the list of available wireless networks.
The Close this window button closes Site Survey tool window.
Site Survey channel scan list can be modified using the Channel Scan List control.
Channel Scan List: This will confine scanning only to the frequencies selected (applicable for Station and Station WDS modes only). The benefits of this are faster scanning as well as filtering out unwanted AP's. The Site Survey tool will look for the Access Points in the selected channels only.
Channel list management for the selected IEEE 802.11 mode and specified Channel Spectrum Width can be enabled by selecting the Enabled option. There are two ways to set the Channel Scan List - enumerating the required channels (separated by comma) in the input field or using the selection window which is activated using the Edit button.
Hide SSID control will disable advertising the SSID of the access point in broadcast messages to wireless stations. Unselected control will make SSID visible during network scans on the wireless stations. Control is available while operating in Access Point mode only.
Lock to AP MAC: This allows the station to always maintain connection to a specific AP with a specific MAC (applicable for Station and Station WDS modes only). This is useful as sometimes there can be a few identically named SSID's (AP's) with different MAC addresses. With AP lock on, the station will lock to the MAC address and not roam between several Access Points with the same ESSID.
Country Code: Different countries will have different power levels and possible frequency selections. To ensure device operation follows regulatory compliance rules, please make sure to select your correct country
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