Dynamic DNS(DDNS)isasystem thatallows thedomainnamedataheldinaname servertobe updated inrealtime.ThemostcommonuseforthisisinallowinganInternetdomainnametobe assignedtoacomputer(orrouter)withadynamicIPaddress.This makesitpossibleforothersites onthe Internetto establishconnectionsto themachine withoutneedingtotracktheIPaddress themselves.Acommonuseisforrunningserversoftware onacomputerthathas adynamicIP address,asisthe casewithmanyconsumerInternetserviceproviders.Thefree DDNSprovider DYNDNS.ORGisrecommended.BeforeyoucanusetheDDNS feature,you needtosetupan accountwithDYNDNS.ORGandcreateadomain name;e.g.,myrouter.dyndns.org.
Host Name: Enter the domain/host name you have registered with DYNDNS.ORG. This must be the full domain name; e.g., mydomain.dyndns.org, and not mydomain. DDNS Service Provider: Select “DynDns.org.”
User ID: Enter the DYNDNS username.
Password: Enter the DYNDNS password. Click “Add” to create the account.
Remember to first create an account and host name at http://www.dyndns.org. Once activated, the router will update the IP address automatically every time your ISP assigns a new address to you. That way, your DDNS domain name always points to your current public IP address.
4.10.3 WOL (Wake-on LAN)
Click “Advanced” ➝ ”WOL.”
This function allows sending a