The operating characteristics of your fireplace may vary during a power failure or power outage. the options listed below will help determine the current state of your system.
Condition (at time of power failure) | Result |
Wall switch is in THERMOSTAT mode | The fireplace will shut down and the display lights in the wall switch will be off. When the |
with the main flame on and has no battery | power is restored to the system it will return to THERMOSTAT mode. The display lights |
backup or has dead batteries. | in the wall switch will come back on and the main burner will stay off for a period of time. |
| If the set temperature is higher than the room temperature after 4 minutes, the main flame |
| will come on. If the set temperature is lower than the room temperature after 4 minutes, |
| the main flame will stay off until the room temperature drops below the set point. |
Wall switch is in THERMOSTAT mode with | The fireplace burner is not currently lit and will stay off. The display lights in the wall |
the main flame OFF and has no battery | switch will be off. When the power is restored to the system, it will return to THERMO- |
backup or has dead batteries. | STAT mode. The display lights in the wall switch will come back on and the main burner |
| will stay off for a period of time. If the set temperature is higher than the room tem- |
| perature after 4 minutes, the main flame will come on. If the set temperature is lower |
| than the room temperature after 4 minutes, the main flame will stay off until the room |
| temperature drops below the set point. |
Note: If power interruption occurs when the fireplace control was in Thermostat mode and the Timer function was used to shut off the fireplace, the wall control will revert back to Thermostat mode when the power is restored and turn the unit on and off as room temperature dictates.
Wall switch is in ON mode with the main | The fireplace will shut down and the display lights in the wall switch will be off. When | |
flame on and has no battery backup or has | the power is restored to the system it will default to the OFF mode. The display lights in | |
dead batteries. | the wall switch will come back on, the pilot will stay on, and the fireplace will stay off. | |
The wall switch is in OFF mode with the | The fireplace will stay off and the display lights in the wall switch will be off. When the | |
main flame off and has no battery backup | power is restored to the system, it will stay in the OFF mode. The display lights in the | |
or has dead batteries. | wall switch will come back on and the fireplace will stay off. | |
The all switch is in THERMOSTAT mode | The fireplace will stay on and the main burner will turn to HIGH. The FOL* | |
with the main flame on and it has battery | (Flame on a log) will also have flame. The display lights in the wall switch will be off and | |
backup. | ||
the fireplace can be turned on and off by pressing the MODE button. | ||
| ||
| If the main flame is on when the power is restored to the system, it will return to the | |
| THERMOSTAT mode and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. | |
| If the main flame is off when the power is restored to the system, it will go to OFF mode | |
| and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. | |
| *Not all units using this system have a FOL (Flame on a Log) feature. | |
| |
The wall switch is in the THERMOSTAT | The fireplace main burner will stay off and the display lights in the wall switch will be off. | |
mode with the main flame off and it has | The fireplace can be turned on and off by pressing the mode button. | |
battery backup. | If the main flame is on when the power is restored to the system, it will return to the ON | |
| ||
| mode and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. | |
| If the main flame is off when the power is restored to the system, it will go to OFF mode | |
| and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. | |
The wall switch is in ON mode with the | The fireplace will stay on and the main burner will turn to HIGH, the FOL* (Flame on a | |
main flame on and it has battery backup. | Log) will also have flame. The display lights in the wall switch will be off and the fire- | |
| place can be turned on and off by pressing the MODE button. | |
| If the main flame is on when the power is restored to the system, it will return to the ON | |
| mode and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. | |
| If the main flame is off when the power is restored to the system, it will go to OFF mode | |
| and the display lights in the wall switch will come back on. |