1.2 Features
The following features are supported:
•Upload firmware (802.15.4/Zigbee application) in Motorola S19 record format through UART/USB. The S1 data record length must be set to 32 bytes
•Initialize memory including stack of uploaded firmware
•Initialize the system clock. Self clocked mode and MC13192 clock setup. Power save mode supported
•Run time update/change of the NVM
See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D, for a detailed description on NVM layout and values.
1.3 Benefits
•Users do not have to buy expensive third party debug/development tools to get started.
•Users can update the 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware without having to build in additional code for interfacing to the Embedded Bootloader (See Section 2.1.3, Safe Mode Boot).
•Application firmware can be updated after production by users. However, this requires that the final product has a communication interface (UART/USB).
•Users can update the 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware even when it is malfunctioning (See Section 2.1.3, Safe Mode Boot).
•The 802.15.4/Zigbee application firmware does not have to include initializing or flash programming code and can thereby minimize code size.
•Can update any NVM data specified by the 802.15.4/Zigbee application.
1.4 Potential Issues
•Uses 4 KB of flash (~6.7 % on a MC908HCS08GB60/GT60) and 93 bytes of RAM (~2,3 % on a MC908HCS08GB60/GT60)
•Extended power/boot up time (~17ms) because the Embedded Bootloader must detect the presence of an application.
Freescale Semiconductor | Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 |