7.Remove short from UART TX and RX and connect UART cable again (if the RS232 UART interface is used)
8.Power up again
9.Embedded Bootloader is ready to receive new firmware (all LEDs on)
10.Start the
The Safe Mode Boot description is only valid for the Freescale ported versions of the Embedded Bootloader. Refer to the 802.15.4 Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, 802154EBRM/D, for more details about a specific port of the Embedded Bootloader.
2.2 Updating Non-volatile Memory (NVM)
The following steps show how to update the NVM data from an application (code). 1. The Embedded Bootloader must be present on the board.
All EVBs are shipped with the Embedded Bootloader
2.Call the Update_NV_RAM() function. This function can change any NVM data.
2.2.1 An Example of How to Change the MAC Address
The following code shows an example of how to change the MAC address.
pPacket – contains the new MAC address.
Any NVM data can in code be read as a normal construct. For example, use the NV_RAM_ptr to get access to individual data.
Freescale Semiconductor | Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 |