Chapter 1
Embedded Bootloader Description
The Embedded Bootloader is intended for use with the IEEE® 802.15.4 evaluation kits (EVK). However, it is possible to upload applications with the Embedded Bootloader in the development phase, but the Embedded Bootloader will not provide any debug functions.
The Embedded Bootloader provides an easy and inexpensive way to upload new firmware and eliminate the requirements for expensive debug/development tools. The only requirement is a standard PC with an RS232 UART/USB1) interface running Windows 2000 or XP.
The Embedded Bootloader must be used with the Zigbee Flash Tool which can be found in the Test Tool Suite ‘Test Tool.exe’.
This document describes Embedded Bootloader version 5.01.
The Embedded Bootloader is located in a protected 4 KB flash block in the highest memory area
1)At least one of these communication interfaces must be supported by the target PCB.
1.1 Target
The Embedded Bootloader runs on the Freescale MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 MCU.
The MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 is a member of Freescale’s
The Embedded Bootloader uses the MC13192 CLKO. See Chapter 2 for more information.
Freescale Semiconductor | Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0 |