2.3 System Bus Frequency
The MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 starts in 4 MHz self clocked mode. The init code changes this to 8 MHz after a few instructions from reset.
If NVM data is found, the system clock (MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 ICG module and MC13192 CLKO) and other options are setup as specified by the uploaded application. See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D, for more details.
If no NVM data can be found, the following (safe mode boot) values are used:
•MC13192 CLKO = 62.5 KHz
•MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 bus clock = 16 MHz
2.4 UART Baud Rate
If NVM data is found, the UART baud rate is setup as specified by the uploaded application. Several values can be used. See the MC908HCS08GB60/GT60 MCU Data Sheet, MC9S08GB60/D for more information.
The baud rate depends on the NVM values specified by the application. See the Freescale 802.15.4 MAC/PHY Software Reference Manual, 802154MPSRM/D, for more details.
If no NVM data is found, the following (safe mode boot) values are used:
•UART baud rate 19200 kbps, 8 data, 1 start, 1 stop, none parity.
Embedded Bootloader Reference Manual, Rev 0.0 | Freescale Semiconductor |