Wireless Switch Configuration Tasks
quickstart Command Procedure
To run the quickstart command:
1.Using the null modem cable shipped with the RBT‐8100, attach a PC to the RoamAbout wireless switch’s serial console port. Use these modem settings:
•9600 bps, 8 bits
•1 stop
•No parity
•Hardware flow control disabled
Note: Do not attempt to connect a monitor, keyboard, or mouse to the switch. Use only a null modem cable connected to the serial console port.
2.Press Enter three times, to display a username prompt (Username:), a password prompt (Password:), and then a command prompt such as the following:
(Each switch has a unique system name that contains the model number and the last half of the switch’s MAC address.)
3.Access the enabled level (the configuration level) of the CLI:
4.Press Enter at the Enter password prompt.
5.Type quickstart. The command asks you a series of questions. You can type ? for more help. To quit, press Ctrl+C. The following example code accepts the defaults for system name and country code, and does not configure SSIDs, user information, or distributed access points.
This will erase any existing config. Continue? [n]: y
Answer the following questions. Enter '?' for help. ^C to break out System Name
Country Code [US]: US
System IP address []:
System IP address netmask []:
Default route []:
Do you need to use 802.1Q tagged ports for connectivity on the default VLAN? [Y/N]: y
Specify the port number that needs to be tagged
Specify the port number that needs to be tagged
Admin username [admin]: rbtadmin
Admin password [mandatory]: letmein
Enable password [optional]: enable
Do you wish to set the time? [y]: y
Enter the date (dd/mm/yy) []: 31/03/06
Is daylight saving time (DST) in effect [n]: n
Enter the time (hh:mm:ss) []: 04:36:20
Enter the timezone []: EST
Enter the offset (without DST) from GMT for 'PST' in hh:mm [0:0]:
Do you wish to configure wireless? [y]: y
Enter a clear SSID to use: public