5.9 Scanning
Radio equipment scans a group of
1. Press function key [F3] and then the [5] key. The Scanning
Group List appears on the screen. You can confirm the scan channel by [↑ ] key or [↓ ] key while pressing the [Shift] key.
Scanning Group List
Figure 5-12 Scanning group list
2.Select a scan group and press the [Enter] key.
3.The scanning starts and the indication "Scan" appears in in- verse video on the communication status display. (The name of the scan group appears at the "Station Name".)
1:File 2:Edit 3:Operate 4:Window 5:Station 6:System 7:WRU 8:HR 9:Over 10:Break
Station Name | : |
| Scan |
| T.Op |
Frequency (T/R) | : | 8344.00 / 8705.00(kHz) | Comm | Mode | : CW | |
Comm Status | : | Connect Send | Lock Error |
Sending Volume | : | 100(%) ARQ | Error : 0 | ARQ | Time | : 0(sec) |
Figure 5-13 Communication status display
4.To stop scanning, press function key [F3] and then the [5] key.
5.10Communication Buffer
The communication buffer is a temporal memory which stores trans- mitting messages or receiving messages. To display the contents of the comunication buffer;
1.Escape from the communication display.
2.Press the [PgDn] or [PgUp] key. The contens of the communi- cation buffer are displayed.
To print them, press [Ctrl] and [P] keys simultaneously. To erase them from the screen, press [PgDn] key again.