Profile Name: the name that you will use to identify this Internet access profile
Obtain IP Addresses Automatically: get the IP Address via PPP over Ethernet. Some
ISP Account Name: the username of your ISP account
ISP Account Password: the password of your ISP account
(Optional) Service Name: Enter the Service Name provided by your ISP if it is required.
(Optional) Access Concentrator Name: Enter the Access Concentrator Name provided by your ISP if it is required.
Idle Timeout
the number of seconds of inactivity over the connection: when this value is reached, Mistral Lan Router ISDN will disconnect the connection. You can change the idle timeout value to anything between 0 to 3600 seconds. But if you select 0, the connection never times out.
Step 6: If you choose via PPTP for the selection of Obtain IP Address Automatically. The following screen will be displayed. Enter the following information and then click Apply and
When you click Apply or Apply and Test, MISTRAL LAN ROUTER ISDN connects to your Internet Service Provider. Watch the Message Window for any messages. When the test is successful, your users will be ready to access the Internet.