Upgrade Procedures for R1.0 ML910™ RUGGED NOTEBOOK Firmware and Software:
1)Embedded Controller Firmware, for #2 or as a prerequisite for a R1.0 to R1.1 upgrade
2)Support RF Pass-through in Retrofitted ML900 Docking Stations
Purpose and Requirements
This procedure provides
There are two cases for using these procedures:
1)To upgrade the Embedded Controller (EC) BIOS firmware to version 4.8, which is a prerequisite for upgrading the EC to version 5.1 or later, as part of the ML910 R1.0 to R1.1 upgrade. The latter upgrade is required when migrating from Windows® XP Professional to Windows Vista™ Business edition, and is covered by a separate upgrade package. For this case, only Procedure I needs to be completed.
2)To enable a R1.0 notebook to operate properly in an upgraded ML900 docking station. Procedures I through IV need to be completed.
The new features in the ML Administrator Application (MLAA) and the ML User Application (MLUA) are added specifically for customers intending to operate their ML910 notebooks in ML900 docking stations that have been modified to add
Additional information regarding RF
What You Will Need
CD or DVD Burner In addition to the Motorola firmware and software files, a CD or DVD burner is required to create a bootable disc needed to update the EC BIOS. The ML910 you plan to upgrade may already include an optional drive in its media bay; either the Combo (CD RW / DVD) or the Dual (CD RW / DVD RW) drive can burn CDs. Only the Dual drive can burn DVDs. External media burners may be used as well.
CD/DVD Burning Application The R1.0 ML910 notebook initially was shipped with a copy of Nero 7 Essentials, which was later updated to Nero 8 Essentials. Either version can be used to create the
MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo, and ML910™ RUGGED NOTEBOOK are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2008 by Motorola, Inc. All rights reserved.