Motion MMI-8S installation manual Gnd

Page 34


TS1-4 & 5

P1-19, 3, 5

In all cases, ground is COMMON to all grounds; digital VCC, analog VMM, chassis ground and green wire ground (AC power ground). If a dual (VMM & VCC) supply is used, then an identical and equal ground lead is connected; 2 each wires to TS1-4 and 5. Always bridge the supply returns and connect to chassis. If separate supplies are used, connect the VMM supply and ground to the TS1 connector. Connect the driver VCC (P1-13&14) and ground (P1-19) from the driver to the controller bus. Connect the VCC supply to the controller bus. IN ALL CASES, ANY VCC BETWEEN THE CONTROLLER AND IN THE DRIVER MUST BE COMMON OR ELSE OPTICAL ISOLATION IS REQUIRED. In all cases, connect chassis ground (green wire ground or earth) to the driver or supply grounds.

COIL-A/COIL-B TS1-2 & 3, TS1-6 & 7 none

A pair of motor windings are connected across each coil connection. Bipolar motors have FOUR leads (two pair). Unipolar motors with SIX leads can be used provided a coil end and a center tap are connected (unused wires MUST be INSULATED and cut off or tied back). NEVER attempt to connect the center taps of unipolar motors to VMM, except in the case of FIVE wire motors . NEVER insert dropping resistors in the power supply leads or winding leads. NEVER insert caps or coil filters across the windings.

(2) INPUT SIGNALS Digital Inputs P1-12/20 & 11/19 See Appendix A

Step Input (CLK)

P1- 15

The step-clock (+5vdc TTL compatible) inputs to the clock pin of a 74191-type counter. The 74191 toggles on a LO to HI transition. The Step CLK MUST be normally HI (+5vdc) and go LO only long enough to toggle th counter (100us to 1ms). Refer to TTL data books for max/min clock conditions. A pull-up resistor (4.7k) is installed on the step clock input. Refer to AUTO-PARK for additional requirements of the clock inputs.

Direction Input (DIR)

P1- 17

The direction level inputs to the 74191 counter. The input is pulled up by a 4.7k resistor. Setting the input HI or LO reverses the direction of motor rotation. Motor rotation with respect to the state of the direction input may be reversed by reversing the motor winding pairs.

Current Control Input (PRK)

P1- 11

The current control signal shifts the output current to the motor coils between 100% power and park power. When PRK is LO (0vdc), the unit produces FULL power. If PRK is HI (+5vdc) or floating, the units outputs at PARK power. On units so equipped, PARK power may be preset at the medium (MED) power level. PARK condition is used to reduce power supply requirements and motor dissipation during non-step periods. Any load which can be moved by the motor at full power can be firmly PARKed at low power. The motor will free-wheel only if the ABORT (ABR) line is HI.

Abort Control Input (ABR) P1- 9 (see next)

The ABR input must be LO to step. If the input is HI or disconnected, the driver control output will output zero current. NOTE: the driver is not OFF, power is still being regulated to the zero condition. The motor will free-wheel. ABORT is normally only used in stand-by (position loss may occur), in series with safety switches (limits) or other emergency stop conditions.

Other Signals (CPU ABR and HOME)

P1- 10,12 & P1- 4,16

Pin 12 is the normal input to P1-9 when the ABoRt Loop is used.

Pin 4, 16 is the output signal HOME back to the controlling device.

Image 34
Contents MMI-8S MULTI-AXES Motion System Introduction Page Page Page Write ContentsSR4 CY 233 Command SET Summary ReadIntroduction Hardware Description Service AccessTOP Cover Removal Procedure OperationRead Mode Write ModeStatus Echo Mode ID and Status CodesTable of ID and Status Codes LED Displays ProgrammingPage Page SMC Step Motion Controller Assembly Also Refer to CY 545 Command SET SummaryPage Page Page Page Page Exit F5 ClearLoad F6 W,OPage YES ADW0DPage Page Program Listings See Mmidemo program AT Type CPU DB-9P IBM Style XT Type CPU DB-25 IBM StylePIN MAC DINMMI Fuse Failure Indicates Driver FailurePage Operation and Installation Manual For MS Series MS MiniStep translator /driver cardPage Page Power Supply & Motor Connections GND Current Control Dial Appendix Section Page Appendix B Description of Homing and Abort Loop page 1/2 Appendix B Description of Homing and Abort Loop page 2/2 Appendix C Motor Current Adjust Appendix D Motor Wiring Schemes Page Page Appendix E Appendix F 2/2 Appendix Specifications MMI Parameter MIN MAX Unit