Front Panel Overview
1HD (drive) access indicator light
Lights in amber while reading/writing data from/to the hard disk.
2 Power switch and indicator light
Turns on/off the computer.
The indicator light is green while the power is on and amber when the computer is in standby mode.
3Floppy disk drive
Reads/writes data from/to a
4FD (Floppy disk drive) access indicator light
Lights in green while reading/writing data from/to a floppy disk.
5Floppy disk eject button
Ejects the floppy disk.
6DVD eject button
Ejects a DVD or CD.
7DVD drive
Reads data from a DVD or CD.
Ejects a CD.
Reads data from a CD.
8Emergency eject hole
If the DVD or CD does not come out when you press the eject button, insert a thin, pointed object into this hole to eject the disc manually.
✍For your convenience, your computer includes USB and i.LINK connectors on both the front and back panels, allowing you to connect to either set of connectors. The i.LINK connector on the front of your system is a