This appendix provides troubleshooting information for your cluster configuration.
Problem | Probable Cause | Corrective Action |
The nodes cannot | The storage system is | Ensure that the cables are |
access the storage | not cabled properly to | connected properly from the |
system, or the cluster | the nodes or the | node to the storage system. For |
software is not | cabling between the | more information, see "Cabling |
functioning with the | storage components is | Your Cluster for Public and |
storage system. | incorrect. | Private Networks" on page 15. |
| One of the cables is | Replace the faulty cable. |
| faulty. |
| LUNs are not assigned | Verify that all LUNs are assigned |
| to the hosts. | to the hosts. |
One of the nodes takes a | The | Check the network cabling. |
long time to join the | network has failed due | Ensure that the |
cluster. | to a cabling or | interconnection and the public |
OR | hardware failure. | network are connected to the |
| correct NICs. | |
One of the nodes fail to |
| |
| |
join the cluster. |
| Long delays in | Verify that the nodes can |
| communicate with each other | |
| communications may | by running the ping command |
| be normal. | from each node to the other |
| node. Try both the host name |
| and IP address when using the |
| ping command. |