LOM (LAN [Network Interface] on | Details: |
Motherboard) Memory |
Size: | 4Mb (512KB) |
Type [e.g. Flash PROM, EEPROM]: | Flash |
Can user programs or operating system write | Yes, under software control. |
data to it during normal operation? |
Purpose? [e.g. boot code] | Contains LOM boot code and configuration |
| data |
How is data input to this memory? | Requires vendor provided firmware file and |
| loader program used during factory assembly |
| or possible field update. A system loaded |
| with arbitrary data in firmware memory |
| would not operate. |
How is this memory write protected? | Software control. |
Remarks: |
Server System Event Log Memory / FRU | Details |
Size: | 4 KB |
Type [e.g. Flash PROM, EEPROM]: | SEEPROM |
Can user programs or operating system write | No |
data to it during normal operation? |
Purpose? [e.g. boot code] | Store System Events |
How is data input to this memory? | BMC controller write |
How is this memory write protected? | Not write protected |
Remarks |
PowerEdge R210 II Technical Guide