Mouse Mode
On the Mouse Mode page, you can configure the mouse mode options.
Table 1-17. Mouse Mode
Item | Description |
Current Mouse Mode | Absolute or Relative. |
| NOTE: Both Absolute and Relative modes enable you to see |
| two mouse cursors where, the redirected host mouse cursor |
| and the actual local mouse cursor. When the single cursor |
| checkbox is selected, only the redirect mouse cursor is |
| visible. |
Set Mode to Absolute | Select this option to select mouse mode to Absolute, |
Option | depending upon your system. |
Set Mode to Relative | Select this option to select mouse mode to Relative, |
Option | depending upon your system. If you select the single |
| mouse checkbox, it locks the local mouse cursor inside the |
| redirected window and the user has to press <Alt+M> to |
| unlock and stop mouse redirection. Here <Alt+M> is |
| basically used to start or stop mouse redirection. |
Save Button | Use this button to make the settings active. |
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