Chapter 3: Installation and Initial Setup
The Web interface Login page appears.
Figure 3-30. Modbus Hardened Serial Server Login Screen.
3.The screens for configuring your gateway using a Web browser are the same as those used to configure the Modbus Hardened Serial Server Manager software.
3.4.3 Configuring the LES431A Modbus Hardened Serial Server on Networks without a DHCP Server
Your Modbus Hardened Serial Server comes from the factory set up to receive an IP assignment from a DHCP Server. If there is not a DHCP server on your network, the Modbus Hardened Serial Server will default to IP address If this address does not work with your PC, there are two methods to manually configure the network information.
1.Method 1: Change your PC Network to Match the Modbus Hardened Serial Server. a. Open your network connection.
Figure 3-31. Web properties screen.
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