•NetVault Server
•Machine Name - To allow the distinction between different devices within a NetVault environment, each SNAZ will have a unique Machine Name. This can be found on the System - Services - Backup (Configuration) page.
•Password - A Password may be configured to restrict client access. This will need to be noted for the NetVault Client installation.
•Services - The backup service must be running (Started) in order for NetVault to communicate with the backup device. The status of the service may be found on the System - Services page.
•NetVault GUI
•Domain Setup - NetVault is designed to work in an environment in which one machine is configured as a NetVault Server and various other machines throughout the network act as NetVault Clients assigned to it. A single NetVault Server and its NetVault Clients make up a NetVault Domain. Full Domain configuration details may be found in Chapter 12 of the NetVault Administrator's Guide.
•Data - Data stored on the SNAZ may be found in the 'exports' folder. Folders directly under the exports folder will be named by storage volume. In addition the default location for the storage of snapshots may be found within the exports folder, in a folder named 'snapshot'.
Note: From the NetVault Client this will appear as:
Machine Name\File System\exports
NetVault Links
Click the hyperlink below to view (requires internet connection):
•NetVault Product Support
•NetVault Support Knowledge Base
•NetVault Getting Started Guide
•NetVault Administrator's Guide
•NetVault Product Licensing
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