802.11b Self-Test Print-out Explanation
Test Item | Description |
F/W Ver | The internal software version (6.46 or greater) |
Timeout | The seconds between printing and sleep mode |
RF Timeout | Never |
Baud Rate | The speed at which the printer receives data |
Parity | Odd, Even, or None |
Data Bits | Matches with computer sending data to printer |
Handshake | The way the printer handles flow control from host |
Burn Adj | Amount of heat used to print on the thermal paper |
Beeper | May be turned On or Off |
Chrg Beep | May be turned On or Off |
Batt1 Volt | Current voltage of the first battery pack |
Batt2 Volt | Current voltage of the second battery pack |
Printhd Tmp | Temperature of the printer head (between 0 and 50 |
| degrees) |
Flash/RAM | 1 Mb or 4 Mb Flash/1 Mb or 4 Mb RAM |
Boot Ver | Boot sector firmware |
ComCtl Ver | Communication Controller Version |
802.11b Config | Bar code shows MAC address for 802.11b device; |
| Network Type Ad hoc (opting not to communicate |
| through an access point but instead communicating |
| through other ad hoc printers; Station Name is the |
| specific name for your printer (i.e. serial number); |
| DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) if |
| On this is the only way to determine IP address; IP |
| Ad=> bar code and human readable IP address also |
| shows Subnet Mask, Gateway, and Port addresses; |
| Encryption (open is unsecured, |
| encryption enabled) if enabled then Key Selected; |
| Key Selected |
| device. |
Available Fonts | LOC shows whether a font is Resident (R) or |
| Downloaded (D); CPI shows characters per inch; |
| DESCRIPTION describes the font; Version and |
| DATE of font loads; NAMES give the “Easy Print” |
| name, the Line Printer name, and the hexadecimal |
| equivalent of that name. |
10 | PB41 Printer Quick Start Guide |