What Are You Looking For? | Find It Here |
• Solutions — Troubleshooting hints and tips, articles | Dell Support Website — support.dell.com |
from technicians, online courses, frequently asked | NOTE: Select your region to view the appropriate support |
questions | site. |
• Community — Online discussion with other Dell | NOTE: Corporate, government, and education customers |
customers | can also use the customized Dell Premier Support website |
• Upgrades — Upgrade information for components, such | at premier.support.dell.com. The website may not be |
as memory, the hard drive, and the operating system | available in all regions. |
• Customer Care — Contact information, service call and |
order status, warranty, and repair information |
• Service and support — Service call status and support |
history, service contract, online discussions with |
technical support |
• Reference — Computer documentation, details on my |
computer configuration, product specifications, and |
white papers |
• Downloads — Certified drivers, patches, and software |
updates |
• Notebook System Software (NSS)— If you reinstall the |
operating system for your computer, you should also |
reinstall the NSS utility. NSS provides critical updates |
for your operating system and support for Dell™ |
| |
processors, optical drives, and USB devices. NSS is |
necessary for correct operation of your Dell computer. |
The software automatically detects your computer and |
operating system and installs the updates appropriate |
for your configuration. |
To download Notebook System Software: |
1 Go to support.dell.com and click Downloads. |
2 Enter your Service Tag or product model. |
3 In the Download Category |
4 Select the operating system and operating system |
language for your computer, and click Submit. |
5 Under Select a Device, scroll to System and |
Configuration Utilities, and click Dell Notebook |
System Software. |
Quick Reference Guide