Saturation |
This feature can adjust the color saturation of the video image. Use | or | to adjust the saturation from '0' to '100'. |
Press to increase the monochrome appearance of the video image.
Press to increase the colorful appearance of the video image.
NOTE: Saturation adjustment is available only for Movie and Game mode.
Reset Color Setting Reset your monitor color settings to the factory settings. s
Display Settings Use the Display Settings to adjust image.
Aspect Ratio | Adjust the image ratio as wide 16:9, 4:3 or 5:4. |
| ||
Horizontal Position |
| Use the | or | to adjust image left or right. Minimum is '0' | ||
Vertical Position |
| Use the | or | to adjust image up or down. Minimum is '0' | ||
| NOTE: Horizontal Position and Vertical Position Adjustments are only available for "VGA" input. | ||||
Sharpness |
| This feature can make the image look sharper or softer. Use | or | to adjust the sharpness from '0' to '100'. | ||
Pixel Clock | The Phase and Pixel Clock adjustments allow you to adjust your monitor to your preference. |
Use the or
to adjust for best image quality.
Phase | If satisfactory results are not obtained using the Phase adjustment, use the Pixel Clock (coarse) adjustment and then use Phase (fine), | |
| again. |
| NOTE: Pixel Clock and Phase Adjustments are only available for "VGA" input. | |
Dynamic Contrast | Dynamic Contrast adjusts the contrast ratio to 2M : 1. | |
| Push the | button to select the Dynamic Contrast "On" or "Off" . |
| NOTE: Dynamic Contrast provides higher contrast if you choose Game mode and Movie mode. | |
Reset Display | Select this option to restore default display settings. | |
Settings |
Other Settings | Select this option to adjust the settings of the OSD, such as, the languages of the OSD, the amount of time the menu remains on screen, | |
| and so on. |
Language | Language option to set the OSD display to one of eight languages (English, Espanol, Francais, Deutsch, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, |