(17) Selecting International Characters (ESC R n)
Code : [1B]h + [52]h + n
* {0 is less than or equal to n is less than or equal to 0A) Data is described in Hex code.
Selecting international characters.
•Depending on the value of n, following character sets are specified.
0 | U.S.A. |
1 | France |
2 | Germany |
3 | U.K. |
4 | Denmark |
5 | Sweden |
6 | Italy |
7 | Spain |
8 | Japan |
9 | Norway |
A | Denmark |
•The initial value of n indicates the character set specified by the dip switch.
However, setting is available only through use of this command for "Spain ", "Norway", and "Denmark II".
(18)Setting of paper end detector available for output of paper end signal
Code : [1B]h + [63]h + [33]h + n
*{0 is less than or equal to n is less than or equal to FF} Data is described in Hex code Specifying the condition of paper end detector to stop printing operation.
•n is valid only for the lowest bit. (n0)
•n bit means the followings.
n0 Condition
0Paper near end disable (initial value)
1Paper near end enable
Remarks : This is valid only for parallel interface model.
(19) Setting of paper end detector available for print stop
Code : [1B]h + [63]h + [34]h + n
*{0 is less than or equal to n is less than or equal to FF} Data is described in Hex code.
Specifying the condition of paper end detector to stop printing operation.
•n is valid only for the lowest bit. (n0)
•n bit means the followings.