Section 4. Programming the
because they are compiled.
This command exits the command line and returns port 1 of the
4.4 Advanced Commands
This returns the internal EPROM part number, signature and the string signature if good or 0 if bad. This will give the same signature as Campbell Scientific’s SIG.COM PC program.
portset [port#] [baud#] [data length] [stop bits] [parity] [handshake mode] [delay]
This sets up the port 1..4 to the communication format you require.
‘port #’ means the port number (1..4) to set up. For details of the other parameters (baud #...delay) see Appendix B.
The system RAM is tested and the
changeport [port #]
This command changes the port for which the command line is available. This command line port setting will stay in effect for further sessions until a new port is chosen or power is removed and then
This outputs the general status of the
BATT 0 or 1
If the value is 0 the battery needs replacing.
If the value is 1 the battery is good.
ADDR 0 to 15
This is the current