The features on the Search Results page are explained below.
Instances — shows the title of the items that contain your search term and indicates how many times the term occurs. If the item is currently stored in Your Media Library and not on your Kindle, an Amazon label is shown next to the title. The list is ordered by the number of occurrences of the search term in each item, however, if the term is found in the book you are currently reading, it will be listed first regardless of the number of occurrences.
More results available — shows the entire list of items that contain your search term. This feature is only selectable if there are more results than fit on the current page.
Dictionary — displays the number of definitions from the selected default dictionary.
Search Wikipedia for search term — select this to search for a term for free on Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia.
Search Web for search term — select this to search for a term on the Web.
Search Kindle Store for search term — select this to search for a term in the Kindle Store.