On your Home screen, your audiobooks list the title and author, but they also have a small speaker
icon to indicate that they are audiobooks. To listen to one of your audiobooks, select it from your Home screen. You will see a page similar to the one shown below. Kindle provides a standard set of controls which are explained below.
Beginning — takes you back to the beginning of the audiobook.
Previous Section — moves backwards in the audiobook to the previous section.
Back 30 sec. — moves backwards thirty seconds from the current location.
Pause/Play — pauses or plays the audiobook (there is no Stop control).
Forward 30 sec. — moves ahead thirty seconds from the current location.
Next Section — moves ahead to the next section in the audiobook, which is usually the next chapter.
Location — indicates how far you have come in the audiobook, the elapsed time, and the section you are in.
From the menu, you can select Home to return to the Home screen or Kindle Store to go to the Kindle Storefront.