To choose a particular item such as a menu choice or a line of text in what you are reading, roll the select wheel to move the silver cursor up and down the cursor bar and then press and release the select wheel to make your choice. Try rolling the select wheel now.
You can press the Next or Prev Page buttons to move forward or backward in your reading material and press the Back button to retrace your steps on Kindle. The keyboard allows you to type text to search for words or for items in the Kindle Store. The keyboard also allows you to create annotations while reading. All of these are covered in more detail later in this guide.
Easy-to-Read Display
Kindle uses
The electronic paper display is reflective, which means unlike most displays, it can be read clearly even in bright sunlight. Also, electronic paper does not need power to hold the ink in place which extends your Kindle battery life.
Choice of Text Size
To optimize your reading experience, Kindle provides a quick way to adjust the size of the reading text among six sizes to fit your preference.