Delta Tau PMAC2A-PC/104 manual Base Board Hardware Setup, Clock Configuration Jumpers

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PMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual


On the PMAC2 PC/104 baseboard, there are many jumpers (pairs of metal prongs) called E-points or W- points. Some have been shorted together; others have been left open. These jumpers customize the hardware features of the baseboard for a given application and must be setup appropriately. The following is an overview of the several jumpers grouped in appropriate categories. For a complete description of the jumper setup configuration, refer to the E-Point Descriptions section.

Clock Configuration Jumpers

E1: Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control – Jumper E1 should be OFF if the board is to use its own internally generated phase and servo clock signals. In this case, these signals are output on spare pins on the J8 RS-232 serial-port connector, where they can be used by other PMAC controllers set up to take external phase and servo clock signals.

Jumper E1 should be ON if the board is to use externally generated phase and servo clock signals brought in on the J8 RS-232 serial port connector. In this case, typically the clock signals are generated by another PMAC controller and output on its serial port connector.

If E1 is ON for external phase and clock signals, and these clock signals are not brought in on the serial port connector, the watchdog timer will trip almost immediately and shut down the board.

E2 and E4: CPU Frequency Control Jumpers – When the PMAC I46 I- variable is set to zero jumpers E2 and E4 on the base PMAC2A PC/104 board control the frequency at which the CPU will operate (or attempt to operate). Generally, this will be the highest frequency at which the CPU is rated to operate. Note that it is always possible to operate a CPU at a frequency lower than its maximum rating. While it may be possible to operate an individual processor at a frequency higher than its maximum rating, particularly at low ambient temperatures, performance cannot be guaranteed at such a setting, and this operation is done completely at the user’s own risk.

If jumpers E2 and E4 are both OFF, the CPU will operate at a 40 MHz frequency.

If E2 is ON and E4 is OFF, the CPU will operate at a 60 MHz frequency.

If E2 is OFF and E4 is ON, the CPU will operate at an 80 MHz frequency.

If I46 is set to a value greater than 0, the operational frequency is set to 10MHz * (I46 + 1), regardless of the jumper setting. See the Software Setup section for details on this.

E8: Phase Clock Lines Output Enable – Jump pin 1 to 2 to enable the Phase clock line on the J8 connector. Remove jumper to disconnect the Phase clock line on the J8 connector.

E9: Servo Clock Lines Output Enable – Jump pin 1 to 2 to enable the Servo clock line on the J8 connector. Remove jumper to disconnect the Servo clock line on the J8 connector.

Board Reset Jumpers

E0: Forced Reset Control – Remove E0 for normal operation. Installing E0 forces PMAC to a reset state, and this configuration is for factory use only; the board will not operate with E0 installed.

E3: Re-Initialization on Reset Control – If E3 is OFF (default), PMAC executes a normal reset, loading active memory from the last saved configuration in non-volatile flash memory. If E3 is ON, PMAC re-initializes on reset, loading active memory with the factory default values.

E13: Firmware Load Jumper – If jumper E13 is ON during power-up/reset, the board comes up in bootstrap mode which permits the loading of new firmware into the flash-memory IC on the board. When the PMAC Executive program tries to establish communications with a board in this mode, it will detect automatically that the board is in bootstrap mode and ask what file to download as the new firmware.

Jumper E13 must be OFF during power-up/reset for the board to come up in normal operational mode.

Baseboard Hardware Setup


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Contents PMAC2A-PC/104 Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Technical Support Copyright InformationTable of Contents Software Setup Base Board Connector Pinouts PMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual Table of Contents Introduction Board ConfigurationAcc-1P Option 2 Analog-to-Digital Converters Option 12 Analog-to-Digital ConvertersAcc-1P Axis Expansion Piggyback Board Acc-1P Option 1 I/O PortsAcc-2P Option 2 Dpram Circuitry Acc-2P Communications BoardAcc-2P Option 1A USB Interface Acc-2P Option 1B Ethernet InterfacePMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual Introduction Board Reset Jumpers Base Board Hardware SetupClock Configuration Jumpers Communication Jumpers CPU Jumper ConfigurationConfiguration Jumpers Resistor Packs ConfigurationDevice Resistor Pack Pack Size PMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual E0 Reserved for future use ACC-1P Hardware SetupReserved Configuration Jumpers Handwheel Encoder Termination Resistors Jopt Connector E10 MOx MIx Lines ACC-2P Hardware SetupJthw Connector DATx SELx Differential or Single-Ended Handwheel Encoder Selection Machine Connections Power SuppliesDigital Power Supply DAC Outputs Power SupplyMotor Signals Connections Overtravel Limits and Home SwitchesExample DAC Output SignalsAmplifier Enable Signal AENAx/DIRn Pulse and Direction Stepper DriversAcc-1P General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs J7 Port Amplifier Fault Signal FaultAcc-2P Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port Jthw Port Acc-2P General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs Jopt PortAcc-1P Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port J2 Port Compare Equal Outputs Acc-1P or Acc-2P Handwheel Port JHW / PD PortOptional Analog Inputs PC DB-9 Acc-2P Ethernet RJ45 Connector J10 PortAcc-2P USB Connector J1 Port Serial Port JRS232 PortMachine Connections Example Using Analog ±10V Amplifier PMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual PMAC2A PC104 Hardware Reference Manual Machine Connections Pmac I-Variables Software SetupOperational Frequency and Baud Rate Setup CommunicationsI54 Baud Rate for Filtered DAC Outputs ConfigurationI54 Baud Rate Flag Type Channel Number Using Flag I/O as General-Purpose I/OGeneral-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs Acc-1P with Jumper E6 on PositionOpen PLC1 Clear Acc-2P with Jumper E5 in PositionAcc-1P with Jumper E6 in Position Thumbwheel Port Digital Inputs and OutputsAcc-1P Analog Inputs Analog Inputs SetupBaseboard Analog Inputs Base Board Hardware Reference Summary Board DimensionsBoard Layout FeatureFeature Location Connectors and Indicators Page ACC-1P Hardware Reference Summary TB1 JMACH1 J8 Handwheel / Pulse and Direction Port JHW / PD Port J2 Thumbwheel Multiplexer Port Jthw PortJ7 General-Purpose Digital Inputs and Outputs Jopt Port Page ACC-2P Hardware Reference Summary TB1 Jthw Jopt J10 Ethernet Communications Port J1 USB Communications PortJ8 Handwheel/Pulse and Direction Port JHW / PD Port Page Base Board E-POINT Jumper Descriptions E0 Forced Reset ControlE1 Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control E3 Normal/Re-Initializing Power-Up/ResetDescription Default E8 Phase Clock Lines Output EnableE9 Servo Clock Lines Output Enable E10 E12 Power-Up State JumpersE15A, B, C Flash Memory Bank Select E13 Power-Up/Reset Load SourceE14 Watchdog Disable Jumper E16 ADC Inputs EnableE18 E19 PC/104 Bus Address Point and Physical Location Description Default LayoutE3 E4 JHW, PD Function Select E1 E2 Machine Output Supply Voltage ConfigureACC-1P E-POINT Jumper Descriptions E0 Reserved for Future UseE7 Machine Input Source/Sink Control E5 Servo Gate Address SelectE6 I/O Gate Address Select E6 Communications Port Select E1 USB/Ethernet Micro-Controller Firmware Reload EnableACC-2P E-POINT Jumper Descriptions E5 I/O Gate Address SelectE7- E10 Ports Direction Control Point and Physical Location Description DefaultPin# Symbol Function Description Base Board Connector PinoutsTB1 Jpwr Power Supply J4 JRS232 Serial Port ConnectorJ3 JMACH1 Machine Port Connector J3 JMACH1 50-Pin Header J4 JMACH2 Machine Port Baseboard Connector ACC-1P Connector Pinouts Pin# Symbol J2 Jthw Multiplexer Port ConnectorJ3 JMACH1 Machine Port Connector Pin Header J3 JMACH1 50-Pin-Header FLG78V Connector 34-Pin HeaderJ7 Jopto I/O Port Connector J8 JHW Handwheel Encoder Connector Page J1 USB Universal Serial Bus Port Optional ACC-2P Connector PinoutsPin # Symbol Function Pin Connector J7 Jopt I/O Port Connector Pin # Function J10 Ethernet Port Optional