Nordic Star Products 4.3A Reschedule a fax, Scheduling a fax, Canceling of a fax, Intr, Unkn

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Handling faxes


Transmission interrupted


Unspecified error

Numerical error codes above 20 means that a failure has occurred during fax data transmission.

Some examples of error code intervals:


Handshaking before the page failed


Fault in the transferring of data


Handshaking after the page failed

6.2 Reschedule a fax

Outgoing faxes that are awaiting transmission can be “given a push”, i.e. the transmission time can be set to the current time, by using the parameter -nto faxq. E.g.:

# faxq -n 3

This means that an attempt is made to immediately transmit the fax with ID 3.

6.3 Scheduling a fax

The transmission time for a fax can also be brought forward in time by means of the parameter -t as shown below:

# faxq -t 12:18 16

The above changes the transmission time for a fax with an ID of 16 to 12.18.

6.4 Canceling of a fax

A fax can be cancelled, i.e. removed from the outgoing fax queue, by means of the command faxrm which takes one or several IDs as an argument. E.g.

# faxrm 28 12

removes faxes with IDs 12 and 28.

Faxrm is also used to remove a fax from the statistic queues for sending and faulty faxes. When canceling such faxes, the fax is marked as having been removed in the statistics file, but statistic information still remains as a basis for statistical calculations. In order to remove old statistics completely, the com- mand faxclean is used, which can only be run by the system administrator.

All the faxes in a queue can be removed by using the parameter -all queue to faxq, where the queue can be p (outgoing), s (sending), f (faulty) or r (receiving). These can also be combined, e.g. faxq -all sf. If you wish to remove all faxes up to a certain date, you use -all in combination with -to date. E.g.:

# faxq -all s -to 20010401

XFAX - User’s Guide 4.3a


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Contents Xfax Contents Characterset Defaultfont DefaultmarginDialprefix Defaultprinter Dialtimeout Httpenable Waitfortone Overview EtcdirBindir SpooldirXfaxdir Installation Environment variables Configuring the softwareKeywords Adding actions Xfax and multiple fax devicesConfiguring the software Xfax User’s Guide 4.3a Sending a fax FaxsendAttaching a note to a fax One fax to several recipients group transmissionScheduled transmissions ID of the fax in the queuePrinting a fax before sending Script xfaxScript faxadm Document codesTelephone cost file ETCDIR/cost ChargeperminuteAreacodes 08LOCAL 031AREA 3 009ABROAD 0091USA LocalzoneLOCALZONE=LOCALLY Areacodes Receiving faxes Automatic printing of incoming faxesHandling faxes Fax queuesCanceling of a fax Reschedule a faxScheduling a fax IntrListing faxes in a particular directory Routine maintenancePrinting a fax Cleaning the statistics file Using the address book in Xfax InstallationUsing the client Xfax in a Windows environmentXfax in a Windows environment Cover sheets the old way Using overlay files as forms and cover pagesOverlay files and cover sheets Time MessageDate Overlay files and cover sheets Xfax and e-mail SendmailScript faxmail Xfax and e-mail Installing Ghostscript and the Xfax driver Troubleshooting Integrated Http server Integrated Smtp server Modems and flow control Command reference CommandsFaxmime FaxmailFaxmaster Faxprint FaxqFrom SubjectFaxrm Faxsend1234 7586535 faxfile Faxwho FaxsrFaxstat Exit codes Accesshttp Keyword referenceGeneral keywords FaxlineAccesssmtp AdministratorAcceptusers AlertuserBrokenselect CharactersetDefaultfont DefaultmarginDefaultprinter DialtimeoutDomain ExecworkdirExecuteafterreceive ExecuteaftersendExecutebeforesend ExitstringFaildir FailfaxnoHttpenable Initstring JetfaxbusytriesJetfaxcopy JetfaxpagetimeLocalprefix LockingstyleMailonsuccess MailonerrorLpprintoption Noerrorsave NostatisticsPartialpages PrintrectoleftResolution ReceiveonlyReversestats RoundrobinSmtpserver SmtpenableSmtpsender Symbolset 15.1.81 T30ECM15.1.82 T30RTC 15.1.83 T30PAGELENGTHWaitfordialtone WaitfortoneXonxoff Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Technical specifications Typefaces in Xfax Index