Nordic Star Products 4.3A manual Faxprint, Faxq, From, Subject

Page 38


Command reference


The identity of the sender


The subject line

Files which are created are called <pid>.<seqno>.<ext> where the seqno is the enclosure’s sequence number in the file, ext is the file’s extension, which can for example be txt for a text file, and pid is the processor’s id and is guaranteed to be unique.

You can then choose which enclosures you want to use and which ones you wish to discard.



-dir dir

Indicates which directory the extracted enclosures will


end up in. Normally /tmp.


Reads standard input, codes to BASE64 and writes in


standard output.


Indicates that the program will not work mail-headers.

-prefix str

Adds str to the prefix before pid in the file name.

14.1.9 faxprint

Syntax: faxprint[-q] [-d printer] [ID [ID ...] file]

Used to print out a fax on an HP Laserjet compatible printer.




Shows the program version and syntax.


Does not write information to the screen.

-d printer

Specifies that the printout will be sent to the stated



The argument can be either a fax-ID or the name of a fax file. The printout data is sent to the standard printer if no special printer is specified. The printer should be HP Laserjet compatible and the data must not be filtered, i.e. the printout should be raw, otherwise it will be garbage. E.g. faxprint -d LASER 13 or faxprint D.510.000.

14.1.10 faxq

Syntax: faxq [-reverse] [ -p -s -r -f -d [directory] [ -h ID ] [ -n ID ] [ -t tt:mm ID] [-x]

Used to show the various fax queues, to change the sending times for a special fax and to list fax files.




Shows the program version and syntax.


Shows the queue of outgoing faxes.

XFAX - User’s Guide 4.3a


Image 38
Contents Xfax Contents Characterset Defaultfont DefaultmarginDialprefix Defaultprinter Dialtimeout Httpenable Waitfortone Bindir OverviewEtcdir SpooldirXfaxdir Installation Environment variables Configuring the softwareKeywords Adding actions Xfax and multiple fax devicesConfiguring the software Xfax User’s Guide 4.3a Sending a fax FaxsendAttaching a note to a fax One fax to several recipients group transmissionPrinting a fax before sending Scheduled transmissionsID of the fax in the queue Script xfaxScript faxadm Document codesTelephone cost file ETCDIR/cost ChargeperminuteAreacodes 08LOCAL 031AREA 3 009ABROAD 0091USA LocalzoneLOCALZONE=LOCALLY Areacodes Receiving faxes Automatic printing of incoming faxesHandling faxes Fax queuesScheduling a fax Canceling of a faxReschedule a fax IntrListing faxes in a particular directory Routine maintenancePrinting a fax Cleaning the statistics file Using the client Using the address book in XfaxInstallation Xfax in a Windows environmentXfax in a Windows environment Cover sheets the old way Using overlay files as forms and cover pagesOverlay files and cover sheets Time MessageDate Overlay files and cover sheets Xfax and e-mail SendmailScript faxmail Xfax and e-mail Installing Ghostscript and the Xfax driver Troubleshooting Integrated Http server Integrated Smtp server Modems and flow control Command reference CommandsFaxmime FaxmailFaxmaster From FaxprintFaxq SubjectFaxrm Faxsend1234 7586535 faxfile Faxwho FaxsrFaxstat Exit codes General keywords AccesshttpKeyword reference FaxlineAcceptusers AccesssmtpAdministrator AlertuserBrokenselect CharactersetDefaultprinter DefaultfontDefaultmargin DialtimeoutExecuteafterreceive DomainExecworkdir ExecuteaftersendFaildir ExecutebeforesendExitstring FailfaxnoHttpenable Jetfaxcopy InitstringJetfaxbusytries JetfaxpagetimeLocalprefix LockingstyleMailonsuccess MailonerrorLpprintoption Partialpages NoerrorsaveNostatistics PrintrectoleftReversestats ResolutionReceiveonly RoundrobinSmtpserver SmtpenableSmtpsender 15.1.82 T30RTC Symbolset15.1.81 T30ECM 15.1.83 T30PAGELENGTHWaitfordialtone WaitfortoneXonxoff Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Technical specifications Typefaces in Xfax Index