Motherboard Description |
•Bi- directional (PS/ 2 compatible)
•Bi- directional EPP. Adriver from the peripheral manufacturer is required for operation.
•Bi- directional high- speed ECP
1-10.3 Diskette Drive Controller
The I/ O controller is soft ware compatible with the 82077 diskette drive controller and supports both PC- AT and PS/ 2 modes. In the Setup program, the diskette drive interface can be configured for the following diskette drive capacities and sizes.
•360 KB, 5.25- inch
•1.2 MB, 5.25- inch
•720 KB, 3.5- inch
•1.2 MB. 3.5- inch (driver required)
•1.25- 1.44 MB, 3.5- inch
•2.88 MB, 3.5- inch
1-10.4 Keyboard and Mouse Interface
The +5 Vlines to keyboard and mouse connectors are protected with a fuse that prevents motherboard components from being damaged when an over- current condition occurs.
The keyboard controller contains code, which provides the traditional keyboard and mouse control functions, and also supports Power On/ Reset pass word protection. Power On/ Reset password can be specified in the BIOS Setup program.
The keyboard controller also supports the hot- key sequence <Ctrl>< Alt>< Del>, soft ware reset. This key sequence resets the computer’s soft ware by jumping to the beginning of the BIOS code and running the Power On Self Test (POST).
1-10.5 Infrared Support
The IR connection can be used to transfer files to or from portable devices like laptops, PDAs, and printers.