Verbatim V-Safe manual Without the Change Password Button, Change Password Dialog Box

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2.When the Change Password dialog box (Figure 15) is displayed, type in the current (old) password, the new password, and the new password once again for confirmation. It is recommended to type in a hint in case you forget or lose the password.

Figure 15: Change Password Dialog Box

3.Click OK. A confirmation message is displayed (Figure 16).

Figure 16: New Password Confirmation Message


4.2.2 Without the Change Password Button

If the Change Password button is not displayed in the V-Safe Settings window, you can change the password by formatting the privacy zone, as described in Section 3.1. See step 4 for specific instructions regarding the password.

CAUTION! When you change your password without the Change Password button, your Store’n’Go Professional is formatted and ALL data is lost.


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Contents English Using Multilingual V-Safe EnglishTable of Contents EnglishRecommendations SystemRequirements Pentium II 266 MHz 800KB free disk spaceInstallation Getting Started Creating the Privacy ZoneSafe Format Window Progress Bar Using your Privacy Zone Login ScreenSuccessful Login Logging Out of Your Privacy Zone Privacy Zone ViewCustomize Your Settings DesktopChanging your Password With the Change Password ButtonWithout the Change Password Button Change Password Dialog BoxTo change the size of the Privacy Zone To remove the Privacy ZoneKnown Limitations How do I upgrade V-Safe to the newest version? FaqsHow do I check which version of V-Safe I’m using? HOW to Contact USInternet Technical support Francais Francais Utiliser V-Safe MultilingueFrancais Table DES MatièresConditions RecommandationsSystème Prise EN Main Création de la Zone PrivéeFenetre Format de V-Safe Barre de Progression Utilisation de votre Zone Privée Ecran de ConnexionConnexion Réussie Déconnexion de Votre Zone Privée Visualisation de Zone PrivéePersonnaliser VOS Parametres BureauChanger Votre Mot de Passe Avec le Bouton Changer de Mot de PasseFenetre de Dialogue Changer de mot de passe Pour enlevez la Zone Privée Changer la Taille de la Zone PrivéePour changer la taille de la Zone Privée Limitations Connues Déconnexion de la Zone Privée dans Windows 2000/XPQUESTIONS/RÉPONSES Comment est-ce que je télécharge la plus récente version ?Verbatim Corporation, 2004. a Mitsubishi Chemical Company Comment Nous Contacter ?Internet Support technique Deutsch Deutsch Benutzung der Multisprachen V-SafeDeutsch InhaltsverzeichnisErfordernisse EmpfehlungenEinführung Schaffen der Privaten ZoneAbbildung 3 Fenster V-Safe Formatieren Abbildung 5 Fortschrittsleiste Benutzung Ihrer Privaten Zone Abmeldung aus Ihrer Privaten ZoneDeutsch Abmeldung aus Ihrer Privaten Zone Abbildung 11 Private Zonen AnsichtPersonalisierung Ihrer Einstellungen DesktopVeränderung Ihres Kenwortes Mit dem Knopf Kenwort ÄndernOhne dem Knopf Kennwort Ändern Größe der Privaten Zone Verändern Um die Private Zone zu entfernenBekannte Beschränkungen Nein Kontaktinformationen Internet Technischer SupportItaliano Italiano Uso di V-Safe multilinguoRequisiti Raccomandazioni Desktop Cambio passwordIndice Raccomandazioni SistemaRequisiti Installazione Introduzione Creazione di una Privacy ZoneFigura 3 Formattazione di V-Safe Figura 5 Barra di progresso Uso della Privacy Zone Figura 7 Finestra di connessione a V-SafeFigura 10 Connessione riuscita Sconnessione dalla Privacy Zone Figura 11 Vista della Privacy ZonePersonalizzazione Delle Impostazioni Cambio password Con il pulsante di cambio password Senza il pulsante Cambio Password Figura 15 Finestra di dialogo per il cambio della passwordModifica della dimensione della Privacy Zone Per rimuovere la Privacy ZoneLimitazioni Note Alternativamente, potete collegare il floppy driveCome aggiornare V-Safe nella versione più recente? FAQCome verificare che versione di V-Safe sto usando? Come passo da Public Zone a Privacy Zone?Come Contattare Verbatim Internet Supporto tecnicoEspañol Español Uso del V-Safe MultilingüeEspañol Requerimientos RecomendacionesInstalación Inicio Creando la Zona PrivadaFigura 3 Ventana de Formato de V-Safe Figura 5 Barra de Progreso Usando su Zona Privada Figura 7 Pantalla Inicio de SesiónFigura 10 Inicio de Sesión Exitoso Saliendo de su Zona Privada Figura 11 Vista de la Zona PrivadaPersonalizando SUS Configuraciones Cambiando su Contraseña Con la tecla Cambiar la ContraseñaSin la Tecla Cambiar la Contraseña Figura 15 Cuadro de Diálogo Cambiar ContraseñaPara remover la Zona Privada Cambiando el Tamaño de la Zona PrivadaPara cambiar el tamaño de la Zona Privada Limitaciones Conocidas Aplicaciones del antivirusCómo actualizar el V-Safe a la versión más nueva? Preguntas Frecuentes FAQCómo verifico qué versión del V-Safe estoy usando? Cómo cambio entre la Zona Pública y mi Zona Privada?Internet Soporte técnico Verbatim Corporation, 2004. a Mitsubishi Chemical Company