DMI Viewer
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This computer conforms to the specifications of the Desktop Management Interface (DMI). The DMI Viewer can be used when you want to know information on the inter- nal systems this computer supports, starting with the CPU and memory.
Running DMI Viewer
Select [DMI Viewer] from [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic].
The screen shown below is displayed.
When you click on an item, detailed information on that item will be displayed.
Click to close the DMI Viewer
Saving information to a file
Displayed information can be saved to a text file (.txt). Run the DMI Viewer and display the information you wish to save.
1 To save the item that is displayed
Select [Save Selected Data] from [File] menu.
To save all items
Select [Save All Data] from [File] menu.
2 Input the file name (and select the folder), then press [Save]