Panasonic Hand Writing (Touchscreen)
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Drawing Characters or Figures
Simple characters and figures like signatures and arrows can be made by using the work surface of the touchscreen, and can be saved to a file as a bitmap (.bmp) format.
To draw, an object with a rounded tip (e.g., a pen for tablets) can be used.
Do not use any of the following objects, as they may damage the work surface.
•Objects with an extremely sharp tip, like screwdrivers and nails.
•Objects that leave marks, like ball point pens.
Panasonic Hand Writing does not operate properly when the Touchscreen can- not be used.
Select from the taskbar or select [Panasonic Hand Writing] from [Start] - [Programs] - [Panasonic]
D r a w a c h a r a c t e r o r f i g u r e u s i n g t h e w o r k s u r f a c e o f t h e touchscreen
Data can be copied to the clipboard with [Edit] - [Copy]. Copied data can be added to other applications that support the bitmap format by using the paste function. Pasting is not possible to applications that do not support the bitmap format.
Do not perform a drag operation by the Touch Pad or the external mouse as the movement will be input on the display.
3 Select [Save As] or [Save] from [File]
The file size of a bitmap image to be saved or pasted to another application can be changed with [Option] - [Window size].
Drawing accuracy may be degraded if another application, such as FD access- ing, is being executed simultaneously. Begin drawing only after other applica- tions have been closed.