Quick Configuration, continued
Configuring Serially through the Control Console. If you are not using a TCP/IP settings,
continued configuration, use a Probe port to configure the TCP/IP settings of the Environmental Monitoring Unit’s management card:
1.Connect the supplied configuration cable
2.Disable PowerChute plus, UNIX Respond, or any other service that uses the serial port on the computer.
3.Run a terminal emulator such as Windows HyperTerminal.
4.Configure the appropriate serial port with the following settings: 2400 bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
Note: Some terminal emulators such as HyperTerminal require that you disconnect and reconnect in order for the new serial settings to take effect.
5.From your computer, press ENTER until the user name prompt appears.
6.Enter the default user name and password (apc for both).
7.On the Main menu, choose Network.
8.On the Network menu, choose TCP/IP.
9.Within the TCP/IP menu:
a.Disable BOOTP.
b.Accept changes.
c.Set a valid IP address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway for your network.
d.Accept changes
e.Press ESC until the Main menu appears.
f.From the Main menu, select Logout.
Note: The new settings take effect when you log out.
Continued on next page