Installation for Windows® 95, 98, NT 4.0
!These instructions assume that D is your CD-ROM drive.
1 Insert CD in
2 Click Start on the Windows taskbar, then select Run. 3 Type D:\install.exe.
4 Click OK.
5 Wait for the OKI Menu Installer Setup window to appear.
6 Click Typical or Custom, depending on which components you wish to install.
7 Follow the
8 Print a test page:
a Click Start on the Windows taskbar, then select Settings Printers.
b Click theÆOKIPAGE 18 printer icon with the right mouse button, then select Properties.
c Click Print Test Page on the General tab.
E-36 Quick Start
Running the Electronic Registration Program
1Click Start on the Windows taskbar.
2 Choose Programs OKIPAGE 18.
3From the submenu,Æclick OKIPAGE 18
4Follow the