The toolbar 3DXVHhas six3ULQWLQJbuttons:
To temporarily halt printing the current document, click this button. The Microsoft Windows Printing System finishes printing the current page, but will not print the remaining 5HVXPHpages until you click the Resume Printing button.
To continue printing after a pause, click this )RUFHbutton.
To force printing of the current print job, click this button. The Microsoft Windows Printing System forces printing on a paper size that is different from the one originally selected for the
To cancel printing the current print job, click this
4XLFNTo print&OHDQthe test page, click this button.
To clean the print head unit, click this button.
The printer performs uick Cleaning. See
8VLQJWKH6WDWXVChapter:LQGRZDVDQ,FRQ4, Maintaining the Printei; for details.
You can make the Status Window appear as an icon by clicking on the Minimize button in the upper right corner of the window. The icon tells you all you want to know about the print job.
A progress bar appears above the icon when a document is printing. When the job is finished, the icon changes to show a stack of printed pages. Other icons indicate when the printer is idle, when the Microsoft Windows Printing System has detected a condition that requires either your eventual or immediate attention, and when the
8VLQJstatusWKH0LFURVRIW:LQGRZV3ULQWLQJ6\VWHPof the printer is not available.