The Microsoft Windows Printing System manages the communications between your computer and printer. It divides the work between the two, helping the printer and computer work together to optimize performance.
The Microsoft Windows Printing System processes documents from Microsoft Windows applications faster than traditional methods, and lets you quickly see the status of your print job. If you install the included sound files, your computer will actually tell you
&KHFNLQJWKH&RPSXWHU5HTXLUHPHQWVverbally what your printer is doing.
Your Quick Start Guide describes how to install the Microsoft Windows Printing System. To use the system, make sure your computer system has the following minimum configuration:
386SX 16MHz personal computer
10 MB of physical and virtual memory combined, of which at least 4 MB must be physical RAM
VGA or super VGA color graphics monitor
6 MB of available disk space for full installation of Microsoft Windows Printing System
Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 3.1, or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.1
Parallel printer port with
The printer may not print some pages at high resolution with the system above. In this case, the following are suggested.
z486SX 25MHz personal computer
16 MB of physical and virtual memory combined, of which at least 8 MB must be physical RAM
You need a sound card to play sounds with the Microsoft Windows Printing System
Chapter 2